Meet Grok - Elon's new AI & OpenAI GPT bots

Read today's aiwizard daily to find out what the Elon's Grok AI is about and what OpenAI came out with.

Read Time: 4 minutes

Greetings, AI Enthusiasts,

In today's edition you’ll read what is Grok and what did OpenAI do to level up the AI game.

Let’s start with 5 cool AI tools!

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Featured AI Tools

- Socra AI: Enhance your life with your private mentor.

- GoCharlie AI: Transform the way you create content with an AI that's a whiz at writing, images, and SEO.

- SwapMyFace AI: Have fun swapping faces in photos with friends or celebrities with just a click, all thanks to AI.

- PowerHour AI: Supercharge your work or study hours with AI that helps you focus and stay on track.

- Gist AI: Quickly get the gist of long articles or documents with AI that summarizes text in seconds.

aiwizard Daily AI News

-'s Grok: Powering Large Language Models: Discover how's infrastructure Grok is innovating LLMs with reliability and efficiency.

- Introducting GPTs: OpenAI’s GPTs announcement.

- OpenAI's Custom GPT Bots: OpenAI's latest update offers cheaper and more powerful GPT models for customized use.

- GPT-4 Turbo Charged: GPT-4 gets a turbo boost, delivering more power and performance at a lower cost.

- AI's Ethical Leap Forward: The Bletchley Declaration paves the way for ethical AI development and collaboration.

See ya tomorrow